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What is Batch Traceability

Regardless of company size – your business is completely responsible for the quality of delivered goods to your customers.

The best way to ensure that only top-tier, fresh products get distributed is through the help of batch traceability reporting.

A solid batch traceability process is what needs to be put into place to avoid a potentially negative product recall that will damage your brand and reputation.

In the case a product recall does happen, a good traceability mechanism helps you perform recalls quickly and efficiently.

This informative guide highlights the fundamentals of batch traceability to increase your supply chain’s visibility and stay on top of your supply chain.

What is Batch Traceability?

Batch tracking is a useful tool for swiftly identifying and tracing the batches of products that you create, sell and deliver.

It’s a straightforward technique to improve supply chain management and maintain quality control.

A bulletproof batch tracking system is extremely important if your company engages in the manufacturing, distribution, or sale of produced goods or prepared foods.

This is then used to rapidly identify and find goods in storage, during shipment, at stores, or in the hands of customers – be it on a day-to-day basis or in the event of a product recall

Key Benefits of Implementing a Batch Traceability System for Your Business

Batch traceability is without a doubt the simplest, fastest, and most reliable method of establishing the location of products and allowing for effective expiration date management. Companies that used to supply products that are no longer in production require a systematic inventory system to keep track of the product’s life cycle. You won’t have to manually track and monitor each group on a spreadsheet once your organisation implements a batch tracking system. Here are at least 4 core advantages to implementing a batch tracking system:

  • Enhanced quality control

Keeping track of your inventory also means being able to deal with concerns like expiration, breakage, and supplier issues before they reach your customers. With the right traceability systems in place – you can pinpoint the source of quality concerns and reduce the number of rotten, broken, or badly made items by looking at the source, lot, batch or delivery channels. Your items should be tracked to the end of their supply chain journey, which goes hand in hand with quality control. In the case that your manufacturer or producer announces a recall; the data you have on hand can assist you in retrieving stock and replacing, refunding, and reviewing the batches or lots that have been dispersed.

  • Distributing goods on time and ensuring customer satisfaction

Having a Business Management Platform (BMP) system with a batch traceability system built in helps you streamline your manufacturing, scheduling and deliveries in one solution. In terms of customer satisfaction, batch traceability can help directly with: On-time delivery based on demand Planning that is precise and timely Optimal utilisation of available resources Cycle times are shorter Inventory costs were kept to a minimum Throughput on the plant floor was increased

  • Reducing human errors and fraudulent activities

A fully integrated tracking solution can make the difference between your distribution processes being left behind or leading the field in technology-ready efficiency. Manually tracking and tracing products within the supply chain is fraught with human error landmines. These could include theft, losses, and spoilage of items – especially if all your business’ data were stored and recorded on multiple platforms, traditional spreadsheets and physical paperwork.

  • Stay on top of compliance regulations and ensure comprehensive reporting

The regulatory regulating organisations in charge of food, drugs, explosives, and other products have highly strict criteria to follow in terms of distribution, storage, sales, and supply. Making sure your inbound and outbound stock is fully tracked, authorised, and recorded simplifies your responsibilities to these regulatory agencies. All of this is to ensure that accurate, real-time data is readily available to your suppliers, shareholders, and management. Your reporting may be real-time, comprehensive, and instructive, with precise data depicting your inventory (or supply chain) performance from start to finish, thanks to the advantages described above.

Terms to Understand with Batch Tracking

Lot number A lot number is a unique identifier for a specific quantity or lot of material produced by a single producer.

Serial number A serial number is a one-of-a-kind identifier that is assigned to an item progressively or sequentially to identify it. It is not necessary for serial numbers to be strictly numerical. They can include letters and other typographic symbols, or they can just be a string of characters. Materials and components used In the case of a problem – having this information can pinpoint the fault inside the process or the batch of materials you utilized in that part of the process.

Start and end dates of manufacturing When batch production started and when it ended, as well as the expiration date of the products in the batch.

Bill of material and bill number When creating a product and obtaining new parts, a Bill of Material (BOM) list is essential, and it helps to avoid problems if product repairs are required. It aids in the planning of acquisition orders and decreases the risk of errors.

Changelogs and audit trails An audit trail is useful for verifying and validating financial, software, and business transactions by tracing chosen user activities or accounting financial statements amounts back to the transaction, event source, and data access used to produce or amend a record. “Best Before” or expiration dates All organic materials-based products, such as rubber, plastics, and paints, degrade over time, and their expiration dates must be closely monitored by utilising the batch traceability process to assure product quality and consumer safety.

Can product recalls be avoided? Product recalls can happen for a variety of reasons. These include when a product encounters contamination of a product with a biological, chemical, or physical contaminant, allergy mislabeling, when a customer has lodged a complaint, threats of tampering or when an anomaly is detected from routine inspections. Ultimately, the key to good quality control is to keep an eye on expiration dates and defective goods ahead of time. Such products must be removed from your distribution network as soon as possible, or else rotting and defective goods will occur, resulting in loss of sales and customers, damage to your brand’s reputation and even lawsuits. In a recall situation, reacting quickly is important. That’s why it’s important to take time now to plan how you will respond should your business ever need to recall a product. When crafting your business plan, ask yourselves these questions:

  • What could be the cause of a recall?

  • How are you going to figure out how big the situation is? Is it, for example, limited to a single lot or does it affect many lots?

  • How will you calculate the amount of product that needs to be recalled? How much merchandise is on the market, and how many distributors and locations are participating, for example?

  • How will you educate your staff, distributors and retailers, regulatory agencies, the media, and consumers (if necessary) about the recall?

  • Who will create the materials for communication and deliver the message?

  • How will you recall the product, identify the source of the problem, and take steps to prevent it from happening again?


How an Inventory and BMP System Help with Batch Traceability For wholesale and distribution organisations, using software to manage the traceability of your goods is a smart and effective method to prevent spoilage and handle recalls. Using an automated batch number tracking system to track your inventory can even help you make more money: You can sell your items to larger clients if you adhere to stringent tracking and quality control criteria. Software-based batch record management is beneficial to your organisation as well as to your peace of mind. The BMP you choose must be capable of gathering, processing, and assisting organisations in assessing their status and planning. This is a form of software that combines everything into one package, including warehouse management, expense management, employee productivity evaluation, and production process control, among other things. One of the advantages of using an BMP inventory management system is that it may connect things like warehouse management, sales, marketing, and so on. BMP modules with lot recall analysis skills can track and manage where raw materials and packing came from, as well as product transformation, raw material consumption, and completed goods shipment. Additionally, the product life cycle management tool aids in the identification of alternative recipes that may contain the same contaminant, allowing you to quickly begin withdrawing products and shutting down the appropriate production lines. This type of tracking and measurement is exactly what your BMP can aid with in the fight for better food or organic material traceability. If your present BMP can’t provide this level of timeliness, reporting, or detail, it’s time to consider an upgrade or a complete re-implementation. Many BMPs currently in use by small manufacturers were not designed to support the unique traceability challenges and issues that businesses and manufacturers face – hence these companies suffer because of a lack of features unique to their nature.


How Enterpryze’s Batch Traceability & Management Helps With Enterpryze – you get to keep track of your stocks in batches with batch availability, batch expiry, batch sales report. This also helps elevate your batch traceability procedures and trace inventory back to their supplier in just one click. Enterpryze helps with: Tracing products back to all manufacturers or suppliers Keeping records of all the suppliers you’ve purchased from, track goods and batch numbers until the moment they’ve arrived at your customer’s doorstep. Being instantly aware of all product expiry dates Which batches of your goods or raw materials are about to expire? Enterpryze helps you reduce wastage from spoilt or damaged products so you can make better business decisions faster than ever. Tracking defective items for more effective product recalls Easy and fast recalls with batch tracking defective items back to its supplier and manufacturer. Compile to regulatory standards and protect your brand reputation. Staying in control with mobile apps Download our suite of smartphone apps on the App Store or Play Store to remain connected to your business’ inventory activities – and make faster decisions even when you’re not in the office. Monitoring stock movement across warehouses – right to a sale Keep an optimum inventory level and make sure your stock levels are at its best to avoid understocking, surplus inventory, and further wastage. Traceability is clearly no longer an option for producers, not only from a regulatory standpoint, but also as a form of brand protection and consumer comfort. To achieve full traceability, a system that follows every component of the supply chain, from the input of raw materials to the consumer purchasing the product, is required. Enterpryze has improved the batch traceability operations for thousands of businesses across a wide range of industries. Our BMP system can assist you at every step of a BMP project, whether you’re just starting to look for a vendor or need go-live support! If you’d like an even better understanding of how Enterpryze works, we’re more than happy to arrange a demo with you to go through the software in the specific context of your business.


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