Monitor profitability and balance sheet information to provide detail on business performance. Enterpryze automatically posts based on sales and purchase transactions and perpetual inventory management ensures your data is up to date in real time.

Track Profit and Loss and balance sheet information
Create 5 levels of profit / costs centres to get detailed business unit information
Track project profitability within the chart of accounts
Manage multiple currencies within the GL

Automate postings based on inventory movements

The final step in both the sales and purchase process is the reconciliation against the bank accounts. Enterpryze is integrated with 1,000's of banks to provide feeds of receipts and payments 6 times a day. Use this information to reconcile in real time or use the reconciliation automation engine to streamline the process

Connect your bank account to get transactions feeds
Let Enterpryze auto match your transactions
Get push notifications of incoming and outgoing payments
Store bank statements and reconciliation information
Digital Payments
Getting paid and having multiple payment options is key to optimising cashflow. Enterpryze has a number of different options for businesses both in terms of payment types and ways to pay. Digital payments automatically reconcile against invoices and post directly to the General Ledger to reduce admin.

Stripe, Square, Paynow, Promptpay and DuitNow already integrated
Click to pay and portal payments out of the box
Take payments via the Enterpryze mobile app
Track payments from e-commerce and point of sales solutions
Supplier Payments Wizard
The Enterpryze payment wizard provides a batch payment solution to process multiple supplier payments against multiple invoices in one go. Choose who you want to pay and which invoices and create a file to upload to the bank to process many payments in one go

Choose invoices to pay and automatically allocate payments to invoices
Upload files to the bank for bulk processing
Track actual bank balance after payments are processed
Manage payments in multiple currencies
Tracking business performance against budgets is critical to business success. Budgets act as a financial plan for the business and monitoring performance against that plan provides the information needed to manage the business effectively. Use budgets to see how the business performance is aligned to the plan for the fiscal year.

Create multiple budgets to track different scenarios
Set Budgets against cost centres and projects
Create budgets for multiple fiscal periods
Report against Profit and Loss and balance Sheet
Intercompany and Consolidation
For companies that manage multiple legal entities Enterpryze has a powerful inter-company and consolidation tool that automates reporting, journals and inter-company transactions. Complete month end processes much faster and efficiently with automated postings and simplified and accurate management reporting

Create inter-company sales and purchase transactions
Post journals from one comny to another
Consolidate in group currency whilst trading in another
Exclude inter-company transactions from consolidated reports

Other Key Features
Create general ledger bank accounts in multiple currencies
Track currency gains and losses automatically
Offline and connected bank Reconciliations
Take payments via the Enterpryze mobile app
Manage and report on taxes

Product Videos and Webinars
In the UK, Enterpryze provides you with regulated account information services as an agent of Plaid Financial Ltd., an authorised payment institution regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (Firm Registration Number: 804718) for the provision of payment services, including account information services."