Purchase Order Management
Controlling costs starts with controlling orders from top suppliers. Enterpryze provides comprehensive controls to ensure commitments to suppliers are made in a controlled and timely way.

Create purchase requests and orders
Apply order approvals and approve via email
Set order and approval limits per user
Create orders via the Enterpryze App

Email orders to suppliers
Expense and Mileage
Managing employee discretionary expenses and mileage is critical to cost control. The Enterpryze Expense solution is seamlessly integrated into the general ledger to automatically post approved expenses to the relevant codes to provide for detailed analysis.

Capture expenses and mileage via the Enterpryze APP
Set approvers to employees and give the finance team final approval
Monitor expenses by category and cost centre
Capture images, foreign currency and project codes
Invoice Scanning and Matching
Processing Purchase invoices is a mundane repetitive task that can be automated and optimised. Enterpryze Invoice Automation scans your supplier invoices, matches them to your purchase orders and posts them directly to the creditor and general ledger.

Scan invoices from Email or drag and drop
Review, edit and approve
Save original supplier invoices on the platform
Control all supplier invoicing in one central place
Materials Requirement Planning
Enterpryze automates the re-ordering of inventory by calculating requirements based on the movement of stock and defined levels set on the platform. Enterpryze will propose reorder quantities and automatically create purchase orders and send them through to suppliers

Set Minimum, Maximum and re-order levels
Add sales and purchase order commitments to calculations
Make products as well as re-order
Set default suppliers and cost prices
Electronic Invoicing
Send and receive electronic invoices in countries that support Peppol and Invoice Now. As both a solution provider and a gateway Enterpryze enables you to seamlessly turn on customers and suppliers to process transactions

One click connection to Invoicenow and Peppol
No Installation required
Send and receive invoices and orders
see real time status of transactions

Other Key Features
Receive products in one click
Create custom fields to store additional information
Consolidate multiple orders into one Delivery or invoice
See related transactions through the relationship map
Monitor margins with last purchase price calculations
Get granular information on purchases, costs and suppliers